Our Vision
Restoring The Community From Within.
Could you imagine that 6812 Chew Avenue was almost a stop and go deli? Could you believe that the property next door was an abandoned building sitting vacant for 15 years, completely imploding in itself? I’m ecstatic, prideful, and joyful that we were able to transform the corner of Chew Avenue and Meehan Street into something beautiful while educating young men and women on how to rebuild the community from within.
I get asked all the time “how do you create community wealth?” The answer is, through education and inclusion. Educating the community on how we can work together on creating positive changes within the community and having them be a part of the process to show people that all the work we are doing is for the benefit of the community. We grew up in Mt.Airy, so we took it upon ourselves to create a place of prosperity for everyone to enjoy.
Ultimately, we want to increase minority representation and minority inclusion within the upper echelon of the skilled construction industry. We want to see to it that our young men and women are able to take part in lucrative career paths and create prosperity for their families in the process. We also want to see our young men and women use their trades to give back to their respective communities. Not only is Trades for a Difference a job skills training and entrepreneurial learning program, it’s the vehicle that will be used to build community wealth throughout neighborhoods in Philadelphia. Through TFAD’S blight removal initiative and trade programming, we are educating our community and restoring positive outlooks while bringing forth our leaders of tomorrow.
Jordan P. Ferrarini
Executive Director
Trades For A Difference Grand Opening April 3rd 2018